Life in the Sunflower State

Life in the Sunflower State
"Well Fuffle, we're still in Kansas"

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I just show up and find out

Wow, so much has occurred that I am quite frankly overwhelmed to think of it all... and I have used my better judgement to not record that which I have wanted to blog. Allow me to share a small portion of the last month that will not offend anybody.

After not seeing Molly for the 3 years she's been living in Chicago, I got to spend the weekend with her, her mom Joanne, and her brother Noah- for his graduation from UNC-Asheville. Molly and I met when she was in the 3rd grade, I was in the 4th. Her mom would take me to school in trade for horse-riding lessons my mom gave Molly. We became sisters 17 years ago, so naturally Noah became a brother to me, and Joanne a mom! Getting to spend an entire weekend with individuals I consider very important made for a lot of excitement and very little rest, and practically no sleep. But please know that we ate very well- Noah had us in all his favorite spots eating far more than a person should intake (my pants are still a bit snug).

So after traveling through the mountains, attending a graduation in the scorching sun, a fantastic effort to do P-90-X on a 7inch screen, and fighting off 6 dogs... I laid down to get some sleep Saturday night, only to have a semi-asleep conversation with Molly as we shared a "too cool for sleep" moment. We were delirious...

Sunday morning, we had yet another delicious meal then Molly, Jo, and myself headed back to Pittsboro. Molly was driving Jo's VW Passat stationwagon at about 75 mph when all of a sudden it began to PEEP PEEP PEEP and the display began flashing "STOP"... as tempting as it was, Molly used her better judgement and did not stop but slowed down and got off on an exit trusting we'd get to a gas station. We let it cool, read the manual (which was not well designed for people in distress), added oil and got back on the road.

Well, I guess it was about 20 minutes later that the BEEPing and "STOP" began to flash again. We knew that meant not to push it, so luckily we were able to pull off into Hickory. It would have been more lucky had it not been Sunday afternoon... no assistance was available. We set up shop in a tiny gas station, constantly in someone's way in order to have a lil AC. After weighing our few options we used AAA and got a tow truck.

All of that to say, or show you how we rode the next 3 hours of our lives. And as always, God is constantly growing me and stretching my comfort zone. Molly and Jo shared the bucket seat and I used them as my seat... with my personal space and boundary issues: legs were going numb, my knees were crammed up and rubbed raw as I used the glove compartment to find some balance. I preferred to sit up, but Jimmy- our excellent driver- kept having me to sit back so he could see the mirrors (kinda important). Considering our lack of sleep and poor diet (breakfast was great, but a Pepsi and ice cream for lunch and dinner...) it did not take much to get me laughing. Just being in that position was enough to get me going...

Wish you could have been there

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