Life in the Sunflower State

Life in the Sunflower State
"Well Fuffle, we're still in Kansas"

Sunday, September 19, 2010

lil 'ol me in His Master Plan

So my church of 4 years celebrated it's 20 year anniversary a couple of weeks ago. And today, the campus ministry I'm a part of held a luncheon for our small group Bible study leaders, where 3 alumni spoke about their conversions and involvement with Victory Campus Ministry while they were at ECU.

Both of these events confirmed all that God has done through Greenville Christian Fellowship and how consistant He is. I am in complete awe of the church family He has set me in and how He allows me to contribute to something that has been steadily moving for 20 years!

Considering I am well aware of all that He's accomplished in my life over the past 4 years, I have tried multiplying that by 5 years, and hundreds of folks. I am blessed beyond belief by this overwhelming concept.

Things have barely changed, almost nothing has changed, to be exact. Pastor Mike, Pastor Eddie, and their wives have been continually surrounded by strong individuals who exhort them as they plug away day after day.

As I reflect on how steady and constant Jesus is, I notice lil 'ol me in the scheme of things. I yearn to make a difference, and He lets me! I desire to be a solid friend and example in others' lives, and He makes a way. I want to be great, He is great through me. I hope for more revelation of Him, He bestows it upon me. I grow weary, He strengthens me. I limit Him, He is limitless.

I have so much to learn, and sometimes I am not so sure about my motivation to learn (grow, and be stretched). But I am reminded that my feelings are not what matter, my obedience to move forward in spite of myself is what matters. And the rewards are unbelievable, they don't make sense, they follow the normal cause and effect correlation.

So as I face this new chapter of life- being a campus minister and a program coorinator for a company that provides tutoring to K-5th graders, I try to avoind asking God "Why" in order to focus on "How" He always makes a way, He always has a plan that is far above anything I could come up with, and He always loves me!

Hebrews 1:3 "And He is the radience of His glory and the exact representation of His nature, and upholds all things by the word of His power. When He had made purification of sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high,"

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